sábado, 6 de janeiro de 2018

Hendrix In Jazz: A Jazz Tribute To Jimi Hendrix

For this Hendrix project, the idea was to propose the least possible guitar-heroe (except Nguyên Lê) so that the compositions of Hendrix take other shapes and colors. There are, for example, many singers (Youn Sun Nah, Mina Agossi, Térez Montcalm, Ida Sand, Gwen Matthews) and pianists (Francis Lockwood, Joachim Kuhn and Gerri Allen). I wanted especially to highlight the magnificent compositions of Hendrix with their superb melodies and propose several possible jazz directions. At the end of the record we had fun to propose in bonus track musicians who are “out of jazz” but who have, each in their own way, paid a beautiful tribute to Jimi Hendrix: Willy de Ville and Popa Chuby!

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