domingo, 8 de abril de 2018

ALKOZAUR - Neo-Prog • France

French band ALKOZAUR was formed back in 2003 by Antoine FERRERA (bass) and Didier LAPCHIN (guitars), long time friends whose relationship has ben ongoing since they attended school together in the late 70's and played in school band ILLWILL. The two of them started rehearsing at Antoine's place, initially utilizing keyboards for additional instrumental details. Later on three friends of Antoine would help out occasionally, namely Philippe COMPAGNON (vocals), Patrick PERARD (keyboards) and Philippe THELLIEZ (drums).

By 2008 it becomes clear that COMPAGNON and THELLIEZ won't be able to contribute on a regular basis anymore, and PERARD is in a similar situation. Thierry LAURENT (drums) and Serge RUIZ (keyboards) hooks up with founding duo FERRERA and LAPCHIN at this point, and it turns out that COMPAGNON can stay with this project a wee bit longer too. To commemorate this, the band decides that this is the time to record their debut album, capturing this version of the band on disc while COMPAGNON still has the possibility to contribute.

ALKOZAUR hits the studio in January 2010, and finish the recording sessions prior to the summer of 2010. Mix and production follows for the next year or so, and late in 2011 their debut CD Serum of Life is released through Musea Records. While this production was finalized, Jocelyne MONSEN (vocals) joined the band as their new lead vocalist, ready to contribute to their future endeavours.

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