segunda-feira, 16 de abril de 2018

The Groundhogs - Blues Rock (UK)

Once upon a time, a long time ago, before the ice armour of political correctness froze the country deep und made submission the principle of society again, then there was a time when the youth of Germany and Europe took to the streets and fought for specific political aims: not only the youth, but all people,  of all degrees of education, all age groups and all political camps (from left to center to the right) …

1989 marked, at least for Germany, the turning and, at the same time, final point …
People from a small region in Germany, Upper Palatia in northern Bavaria, rose up against corporate power, here the power of energy trusts;  they rose against the construction of a new nuclear reprocessing plant … and they won … and maybe they saved us from an extreme disaster like later in Fukushima, or in 1979 Harrisburg or in 1986 in Chernobyl.
And the people had WON … and the people celebrated a big party, the last ANTI WAA Festival, on July 15 and 16, 1989!

In the same period of time, millions of people already had risen up, in eastern Germany, to storm and take down a totalitarian stalinist system, full of human despise. And also they won … at first; and also they celebrated a big party, as can be seen in the media for their 25th anniversary celebartions.
These were the last great victories of independance in this country.

The GROUNDHOGS have  never been a political band, as guitar icon Tony McPhee states in interview as can be seen and heard on this DVD. They are strictly working class.
John Lee Hooker’s favourite European support band, played heavy music; they played the blues so hard and raunchy, pimped with new elements, almost prog, that your ears fell off and left your mouth open. LIKE THIS not even the godfathers of Blues, with whom (e.g. John Lee Hooker, Eddie Boyd, Junior Wells, Champion Jack Dupree, Luther Allison …) the GROUNDHOGS had worked many times, had heard their music before: METAL PROG BLUES!!!

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