sábado, 28 de setembro de 2019

OSHUN - Hip-Hop Soul (USA)

Thandiwe and Niambi Sala perform for the purpose of spreading the essences Oshun and her sisters, specifically Yemaya. Together they are OSHUN, a duo characterized by soul, hip-hop, community service, love, and dedication to the greater purpose of empowering women, and all people, instilling confidence, cultural pride, and self-respect.   l

AFAHYE is a pre-album, a public introduction of OSHUN. "Afahye" is a Fante term for a particular yam festival, a celebration of harvest, youth, and rebirth. It is also a part of Ayare-Sa Afahye, which is a cleansing festival where rites of passage initiates are presented to the community as warriors in training. AFAHYE is a commencement. OSHUN is presenting themselves as warriors to their community as they begin their journey of rebirth, redefinition, and revolution.

More Soul & Hip Hop

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