sábado, 21 de setembro de 2019

The Stooges - Punk Rock

"I Wanna Be Your Dog" is a 1969 song by the American rock band The Stooges. The song is included on their self-titled debut album. Its memorable riff, composed of only three chords (G, F♯ and E), is played continuously throughout the song (excepting two brief 4-bar bridges). The 3-minute-and-9-second long song, with its raucous, distortion-heavy guitar intro, pounding, single-note piano riff played by producer John Cale of The Velvet Underground, and steady, driving beat, established The Stooges at the cutting edge example of the heavy metal and punk sound.

A classic punk rock album before the category was created. Iggy and the Stooges were way ahead of their time.

More Punk Rock

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