terça-feira, 29 de outubro de 2019

ZOO - Crossover Prog • Netherlands

Zoo was a melodic progressive rock band from the town of Groningen who formed in 1970 when the band SPRING changed its name, and continued through to 1974. Bass player Bert VELDKAMP joined KAYAK, while some of the others started the new group KANGAROO. Over the course of their history they released four singles and an album, but never gained much recognition within the progressive scene which may be due to not fully committing themselves to the genre.

The sole album, 'Zoo' was released in 1973, and contains a multitude of styles, with enough progressive elements to be considered as Crossover, with mellotron used sparingly. Their final release was a single taken from the album, and it is the 'B' side of this, the instrumental NAUGH MOO, that is often viewed as their finest progressive outing.

More Prog Rock

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