sábado, 18 de maio de 2013


Rush is one of my favorite bands. This post is a homage to this Trio, not only for the amazing and perfect music, but also for the example of professionalism, friendship, ethics and human beings. Thanks Rush.

Rush is a Canadian rock band formed in August 1968, in the Willowdale neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario. The band is composed of bassist, keyboardist, and lead vocalist Geddy Lee, guitarist and backing vocalist Alex Lifeson, and drummer, percussionist and lyricist Neil Peart. The band and its membership went through a number of re-configurations between 1968 and 1974, achieving their current form when Peart replaced original drummer John Rutsey in July 1974, two weeks before the group's first United States tour. Rutsey's departure stemmed primarily from health concerns regarding his diabetes.

Since the release of the band's self-titled debut album in March 1974, Rush has become known for its musicianship, complex compositions, and eclectic lyrical motifs drawing heavily on science fiction, fantasy, and philosophy. Rush's music style has changed over the years, beginning with blues-inspired heavy metal on their first album, then encompassing hard rock, progressive rock, and a period with heavy use of synthesizers.

Rush has won a number of Juno Awards, was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame in 1994, and later inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. Over their careers, the members of Rush have been acknowledged as some of the most proficient players on their respective instruments, with each band member winning numerous awards in magazine readers' polls. As a group, Rush possesses 24 gold records and 14 platinum (3 multi-platinum) records. Rush's sales statistics place them third behind The Beatles and The Rolling Stones for the most consecutive gold or platinum studio albums by a rock band. Rush also ranks 79th in U.S. album sales, with 25 million units. Although total worldwide album sales are not calculated by any single entity, as of 2004 several industry sources estimated Rush's total worldwide album sales at over 40 million units.
The band finished the second leg of the Time Machine Tour in July 2011 and released their latest studio album, Clockwork Angels in June 2012 with a supporting tour that began in September 2012.

I think all the Rush fans have all Oficial albuns, so we decide to post some unknown and rare ones. First, some solo albuns and them, a wonderful live album that I saw with my own eyes. Enjoy!!!


Aleksandar Živojinović (born August 27, 1953) better known by his stage name Alex Lifeson, is a Canadian musician, best known as the guitarist of the Canadian rock band Rush. In the summer of 1968, Lifeson founded the band that would become Rush with friend and drummer John Rutsey, and bassist/lead vocalist Jeff Jones, who would be replaced by current front man Geddy Lee a month later. He has been an integral member of the band ever since. For Rush, Lifeson plays electric and acoustic guitars as well as other stringed instruments such as mandola, mandolin, and bouzouki. He also performs backing vocals in live performances, and occasionally plays keyboards and bass pedal synthesizers. During live performances, Lifeson, like the other members of Rush, performs real-time triggering of sampled instruments, concurrently with his guitar playing. The bulk of Lifeson's work in music has been with Rush, although Lifeson has contributed to a body of work outside of the band as well. Aside from music, Lifeson is part owner of The Orbit Room, a bar and restaurant located in Toronto, Canada, and is a licensed aircraft pilot. Along with his bandmates Geddy Lee and Neil Peart, Lifeson was made an Officer of the Order of Canada on May 9, 1996. The trio was the first rock band to be so honoured, as a group. He currently ranks 98th in Rolling Stone Magazines list of 100 greatest guitarists of all time.

Victor is a solo album by Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson under the name "Victor" released January 9, 1996 on Atlantic Records outside of Canada and Anthem Records within Canada. The album was recorded at Lerxst Sound (Lifeson's home studio) between October 1994 and July 1995. The album reached #99 on the Billboard 200 in 1996 and received a 1997 Juno Award nomination for Best New Group.

Alex Lifeson - vocals, guitars, keyboards, bass, programming
Les Claypool - bass on track 9
Peter Cardinali - bass
Bill Bell - guitar
Dalbello - Lead vocal on track 3
Edwin - Lead vocals
Blake Manning - drums
Colleen Allen - horn
Adrian Zivojinovich - programming
Lifeson's wife Charlene is one of the two women in the track 7 dialogue; the other woman is simply listed as "Esther".

Geddy Lee, OC (born Gary Lee Weinrib; July 29, 1953), is a Canadian musician and songwriter, best known as the lead vocalist, bassist, and keyboardist for the Canadian rock group Rush. Lee joined what would become Rush in September 1968, at the request of his childhood friend Alex Lifeson, replacing original bassist and frontman Jeff Jones. In addition to his composing, arranging, and performing duties for Rush, Lee has produced for various other bands, including Rocket Science. Lee's first solo effort, My Favourite Headache, was released in 2000.
An award-winning musician, Lee's style, technique, and skill on the bass guitar have inspired many rock musicians such as Cliff Burton of Metallica, Steve Harris of Iron Maiden, John Myung of Dream Theater, and Les Claypool of Primus. Along with his Rush bandmates – guitarist Alex Lifeson and drummer Neil Peart – Lee was made an Officer of the Order of Canada on May 9, 1996. The trio was the first rock band to be so honoured, as a group. Lee is ranked 13th by Hit Parader on their list of the 100 Greatest Heavy Metal vocalists of all time.

My Favourite Headache is a solo album by Geddy Lee of the Canadian rock band Rush, released in 2000. Both the title track and "Grace to Grace" received play on mainstream rock radio, and the album itself peaked at #52 on the Billboard 200.

Geddy Lee - bass guitar, guitar, keyboards, vocals
Ben Mink - guitar
Matt Cameron - drums
Jeremy Taggart - drums on "Home on the Strange"

Neil Ellwood Peart born September 12, 1952), OC, is a Canadian musician and author. He is the drummer and lyricist for the rock band Rush. Peart has received numerous awards for his musical performances, and is known for his technical proficiency and stamina. Peart grew up in Port Dalhousie, Ontario (now part of St. Catharines). During adolescence, he floated from regional band to regional band in pursuit of a career as a full-time drummer. After a discouraging stint in England to concentrate on his music, Peart returned home, where he joined a local Toronto band, Rush, in the summer of 1974. Early in his career, Peart's performance style was deeply rooted in hard rock. He drew most of his inspiration from drummers such as Keith Moon and John Bonham, players who were at the forefront of the British hard rock scene. As time passed, however, he began to emulate jazz and big band musicians Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich. In 1994, Peart became a friend and pupil of jazz instructor Freddie Gruber. It was during this time that Peart decided to revamp his playing style by incorporating jazz and swing components. Gruber was also responsible for introducing him to the products of Drum Workshop, the company whose products Peart currently endorses. In addition to being a musician, Peart is also a prolific writer, having published several memoirs about his travels. Peart is also Rush's primary lyricist. In writing lyrics for Rush, Peart addresses universal themes and diverse subject matter including science fiction, fantasy, and philosophy, as well as secular, humanitarian and libertarian themes. All five of his books are travel-based non-fiction, though they diverge into his life and these subjects as well.

Rush in Rio was the first live album released by the band to not follow the pattern of releasing a live album after every four studio releases, and was also the first to feature a complete setlist without any changes in song order, including Neil Peart's drum solo. It is also the band's first live album that presents a single night's performance in its entirety (not counting the two bonus tracks). In an interview about the album and DVD, Alex Lifeson and James "Jimbo" Barton noted that it took an extended amount of time to mix the sound. This was due to technical difficulties of recording the audio on primitive equipment.
At this concert, Rush played to 40,000, their second largest crowd on the Vapor Trails Tour (the largest crowd was 60,000 at the show the previous night in São Paulo). In a rare departure from the band's practice of re-creating the sound of their studio work when playing live, the song "Resist" (on disc 2) was rearranged into a stripped-down acoustic version between Lifeson and Lee, with Peart sitting out after his drum solo.

In the video below, you can see the love of Brazil for RUSH (see the fan faces, the emotion...):

See the fans comments and emotion:


Rush - Concert in St Louis (1980)

Rush - 1974 The Fifth Order Of Angels (First performance of Neil Peart)

9 comentários:

  1. Hola Javanes y amigos de Valvulado
    Siempre, independiente de que álbum, el año, si veo algo de esta banda no puedo evitar entrar leer (aunque me sepa de memoria todo lo que dice) y si puedo también comentar.
    También, lo mismo que Javanes, es Rush una de mis bandas favoritas de todos lo tiempos y es que sigo siendo un fan hasta hoy en un periplo que ha durado años y años y en la que cada ves me siento mas cercano a unos músicos de excepción que ha estas alturas conozco casi como a un familiar.
    Muchos podrían decir que a estas alturas postear algo de esta banda es casi un despropósito ya que "todo el mundo" ya la conoce pero no es así!
    Sabían que en Rush tocó otro guitarrista (siendo por poco tiempo un cuarteto)? y también otro baterista? (después de John Rutsey y antes de Neil Peart). O que el bajista y vocalista original era otro?
    Son parte de la historia que acompaña esta increíble banda.

  2. Fala Aponcho. Gracias por sempre comparecer. Obrigado pelas informações de nosso querido Rush. Simplesmente não sabia. O Javanes vai dizer que sabia, mas tb não sabia. O que gosto deste álbum ao vivo é que foi no Brasil, e foi aqui, o maior público do Rush. E eu tb estava lá. Mas o que mais me impressiona, e só vi isto depois, é a admiração dos brasileiros por esta banda. No video abaixo do post, dá para ver o público completamente emocionado... O público cantou Tom Sawyer inteirinha... É demais! valeu Hermano. Saber que você gostou é muito bom!!!!

  3. Aí Breu
    Déjame decirte que ese tour me saco lágrimas.
    La primera razón es que no pude ir, a ninguno de los dos días, ni SP ni RJ. Era primera ves que Rush venía a Sud América y yo tenía todo preparado para asistir a no solo uno, sino que a los dos haciendo el puente aéreo SP/RJ con todos los detalles de alojamiento y comidas arreglados de antemano, pasajes de avión, etc.
    Habíamos programado todo como si fuera una operación militar, nada podía fallar... hasta que algo falló.
    Varios amigos, conocido, amigo de amigos se colgaron de toda esta organización y finalmente fue tal y como lo planeamos, y fueron muchos! y en Argentina también se unieron otros muchos más, pero yo no pude ir. Si te fijas en el video se ve varias veces la bandera Chilena.
    Luego, cuando salió el DVD por supuesto que rápidamente llegó a mis manos de quien fuera mi mejor amigo y no pude más que emocionarme con la reacción del público. Mis amigos ya me habían contado algo de como los que estaban presentes reaccionaban con cada tema, me habían mostrado videos, fotos, pero uno siempre piensa que es un poco exagerado dado el nivel de fanatismo de todos ellos.
    Hasta que vi del DVD.
    Esa emoción que llega a la garganta y no se va, que te deja sin habla y no deja salir ni una palabra.
    Soy un Fan, que le voy a hacer...


  4. Valvulado, obrigado por todos sons que postou. O blog é excelente e admiro muito seu compromisso de deixar todos os links ativos. Muito obrigado mesmo. A.

  5. Véio..............se eu escrever mais uma linha do Rush, o Véio Dead vai declarar a Terceira Guerra Mundial....Eu só posso dizer que esse trio Canadense na minha humilde opinião é a Nata!!!!

    The Ancient

  6. Grande Aponcho, sinto que não pode ir. Foi um showzaço, que sempre será lembrado, ainda mais com este CD triplo.

    A., obrigado pela visita Não é fácil,pois muitos links são deletados por semana... Mas valeu e aproveite!

  7. Carlos Anc, já preparei a do Ginger Baker... Vai rolar assim que tiver um tempo. Um grande abraço, meu chapa...

  8. Aí quero só ver o que esse ancião destrambelhado vai dizer, Ginger o mestre do Neil, ele mesmo diz no documentario catso!!!!!!!
    Gosto muito de Rush, mas é uma praia mais moleque pra mim, qd eu era moleque e curtia, e curtia muito cantando suas músicas e imitando o Geedy Lee (sou mais bonito é claro minha pelagem é azul catso) e o Cream apesar de anterior é uma sacada mais adulta, pesada, envolta em brigas, drogas, sucessos, separações, dores e amores.
    Fala Anc aproveita e fala do primeiro compacto simples que o seu amigo aqui postou isso nem vc nem ng comentou né véio?
    O primeiro da carreira dos caras tem lá no SM e ng deu bola, seus fãs de meia pataca como diria o tio patinhas rs....ai ai agora o Aponcho tem um troço.

  9. Tengo, si señor, y disfruto paca!
