domingo, 15 de maio de 2016

Shotgun - American Funk Band

Shotgun are an American funk band, from Detroit, Ohio, who recorded six albums between 1977 and 1982. They also had eight hit records on the Billboard R&B chart, the most successful being "Don't You Wanna Make Love" which reached #35 on the R&B chart in 1979.[2] The band was formed by 24-Carat Black band members William Talbert, Tyrone Steels, Ernest Lattimore and Gregory Ingram. Of the band's 1977 debut album Shotgun, Dusty Groove said, "The first album by Shotgun — one of the many major label funk groups who flourished briefly at the end of the 70s. The group have a harder sound than most of this nature — with plenty of guitars in the mix, and an overall heavier sound than you’d expect from an effort of this type. In fact, there’s almost a rock/funk kind of groove going on — one that would be more typical of early 70s crossover efforts on Epic, in the wake of Sly Stone and other artists like that.

Shotgun (1977)

Shotgun III (1979)

3 comentários:

  1. Brother Javs, vê só a zoeira:
    a foto no começo da postagem parece uma fuga de uma sauna gay... rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs
    Neguim não tem (no caso, tinha) mesmo senso do ridículo... Eque capa horrorosa a do primeiro; meudeusdocéu!! Mas pelo menos o som é bem bão! rsrsrs
    Abração, mizifi!!

    1. KKKKK... Parece mesmo. Uma outra característica do final dos anos 70 e anos 80, são as capas toscas de alguns álbuns. Tenho uma coleção de capas ridículas...

      mas o som é bão messss.

