segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2016

Acid Westerns - Psychedelic Post-Punk, Rock, Prog-Sludge (USA)

Acid Westerns began in late 2006 when California bassist Fordy Shoor and Chicago guitarist Stu Colman met at Sarah Lawrence College in New York. The two "bedroom rockers" bonded with their growing interest in music and cult film, as well as an inherent love for catchy songs buried under deep waves of distortion. In early 2007, drummer Colin Fahrner signed on as their rhythm section and they soon began to play on Sarah Lawrence's campus under the name Queen Anne's Revenge. In June of 2007, the trio released Live From Dudley Lawrence, a 3-track single recorded in the basement of Dudley Lawrence, a beloved resident hall at their college. 

Fordy and Stu spent the duration of 2007 living on opposite sides of the country, meeting during the summer in Oakland, California to record their debut EP. Upon the winter 2008 release of their debut record, The Queen Anne's Revenge EP, the trio embarked on a Northern California tour. Acid Westerns officially relocated back to New York in 2008 to write and re-establish themselves on the NYC club circuit with new drummer Chuck Seddio under the name Dirty Movies. After having spent the winter of 2009 in writing hibernation, the band emerged to record their first full length album with drummer Ryan Mahoney. 

Acid Westerns released their eponymous debut album on March 15th, 2010.

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