sábado, 12 de agosto de 2017

Raiz de Pedra - Prog Rock (Brazil)

Influenced by a wide scope of music from King Crimson to Jan Garbarek and of course Brazilian Masters like Egberto Gismonti and Hermeto Pascoal...I can wholeheartedly recommend this album to any Prog / RIO/ Jazz-Rock fan, as they will surely not only enjoy it, but also discover a new world of music, which surely deserves to be heard. Group formed in Porto Alegre, in the year of 1980. The band released 2 disks in the 80s, being Trajetória, of 1984, the first of the group and was re-released only in 2008, with bonus tracks. The second was recorded live in 1987. Raiz de Pedra brought a sound very influenced by the jazz rock / fusion and experimental sound of European and national groups and the popular Brazilian music, counting on great arrangements and compositions. The lyrics are all in Portuguese.

Obrigado, Magal!

Um comentário:

  1. Som Valvulado, você está acima de qualquer opinião de desagravo sobre os THE BEATLES,até hoje descobrem música inédita e o mundo louco fica mais louco ainda, a final de contas, o que vale mesmo é VOCÊ & O SEU BLOG , são muito importantes pra nós que visitamos suas páginas ( TAB ) diariamente, cotidianamente, depois desse tempo, volte com TUDO, amigo, abraços fraternos, do Raul Zim DiMaio
