domingo, 24 de setembro de 2017

Erasmo Carlos - MPB Rock (Brazil)

Erasmo Carlos (Tremendão) is a singer, songwriter, multi - instrumentalist musician and Brazilian writer. In the 1970s, Erasmus signed with Polydor Music. The first half of the decade shows Tremendão in a very different style from Jovem Guarda. Influenced by hippie culture and soul, he releases Carlos, Erasmo in 1971. The album, which opens with "De Noite a Cama", written by Caetano Veloso especially for him, brings a controversial ode to marijuana (Maria Joana).

Existentialism continues in his other LPs of the 70's: Dreams and Memories, Projeto Salva Terra and Banda dos Contentes. "I am a Child, I Do not Understand Nothing", "Cachaça Mecânica" and "Filho Único" are some outstanding songs in the period. Ipanema's Esquinas, his LP of 1978, includes an impressive song that denounces man's disregard for ecology: "Ecological Panorama".

Ao Vivo (2001)

2 comentários:

  1. Arquivo Vencido. De qualquer modo as informações são úteis. Muitíssimo obrigado por postar a música do Brasil. Um grande abraço.

    1. Edvaldo, valeu pelo toque. Já arrumado e com uma tremenda incrementada...
      Abraço e divirta-se.
