sábado, 2 de dezembro de 2017

The Great Western Music Collection

From the golden age of John Wayne, through the Spaghetti era, to The Hateful Eight, Westerns have given us some of cinema's most memorable music. Here are some good examples...

For A Few Guitars More - A Tribute To Morricone's Spaghetti Western Themes

My Delicious Spaghetti Western

More Delicious Spaghetti Western

Spaghetti Westerns (Classic Italian Soundtracks) Vol. 1

Spaghetti Vol 1 (Duck You Suckers)

Spaghetti Vol 2 (Revenge)

Spaghetti Vol 3 (See ya in hell)

Spaguetti & Chili Western


More Classic Westen Music:

2 comentários:

  1. Boa noite.

    Não achei o link para os primeiros 8 das trilhas de western.

    De qualquer forma, parabéns pelo belo e cansativo trabalho.

