sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2018

BaianaSystem - Experimental Brazilian Music

BaianaSystem is a musical project formed in 2009 with the aim of finding new sound possibilities for the Bahian guitar, an instrument created in Salvador - Bahia in the 1940s and which was responsible for the creation of the electric trio. The name comes from the junction of "Bahian guitar" with "sound system", which are sound systems created and popularized in Jamaica. The initial idea was to use new and / or known bases where the guitar could take on the role of "singing" in this system, dividing and dialoguing with the voice. and record the unpublished songs that would form the first album released in the beginning of 2010. This production was done alongside the producer and producer Marcelo Seco, and already with the presence and creation of Russian Passapusso, [8] that represents the language "sound system "of this project. Along with this musical construction, the visual concept also joins with the visual direction of Filipe Cartaxo.

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