Quando comecei a participar do Blog Valvulados, minha idéia inicial era só postar Frank Zappa. Sempre fui um grande fã, e durante a minha jornada juvenil, encontrei outros grandes fãs, e falar sobre Zappa sempre foi uma alegria. Em uma época de acesso restrito aos discos de vinil, encontrar um disco do Frank Zappa era um momento de glória. Tenho uns discos de vinil, 10, e mais de 80 fitas cassete (tudo TDK Chrome). Era difícil comprar, pois os discos eram importados e caríssimos, bem como encontrar, pois este cara tinha mais bootlegs (na época se chamava disco pirata), mais álbuns fora de catálogo que oficiais. Zappa era um mito para mim. e ouví-lo me fazia sentir diferenciado, me sentia melhor... Bom, consegui todos os álbuns hoje (acho) e volta e meia, deparo-me com algo inusitado. e vou postá-los todos aqui no Valvulado.

Gostaria de começar com este trabalho realizado por
Miles Mellough do blog "
Birds With Broken Wings" . Miles trabalhou em uma grande pesquisa, unindo a música de FZ por temática. Um trabalho único, que merece um Re-post aqui no Valvulado. Uma compilação de 12 volumes.... Segue na íntegra, os primeiros três volumes:
Project/Objects, Nos.#1-3
Miles Mellough
As loosely quoted from Neil Slaven's, 'Electric Don Quixote,' "the project/object was the means by which Frank Zappa incorporated every aspect of his work into an undefined grand design." This means that every sound, every song, every record, every performance, and even the little incidentals were all integrated into a unified whole, held together by Zappa's 'conceptual continuity.' In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Zappa explained it further stating, "It's all one album. All the material is organically related. If I collected each of the master tapes, I could take a razor blade and cut them all apart. Then I could put them back together in a different order and it would still make one coherent piece of music that you could listen to."
Because of his notions surrounding conceptual continuity and the project/object concept, Zappa's oeuvre has proven to be one of the most fun and fascinating to piece together in any variety of configurations while still having it make sense to the enlightened listener. With this series, I set out to do just that -- put Zappa's theory to the acid test. One project/object led to another and after a time, the series eventually grew to a total of 12 volumes, all with the same objective -- to deconstruct Frank's enormous body of work and then reconstruct it into a brand new form.
Starting with this post, I'll be republishing the entire series, all 12 volumes over the next four weeks. Since the originals links were lost back in 2012, these project/objects have lain silent, so if you missed them the first time around, now's your second chance to grab them. It's an extremely revealing series, if I do say so myself. The process was a massive undertaking, but it was also a pure joy to assemble, not to mention a lot of fun too. It's also an entertaining listen. 'Digital Dust & Iron Oxide' was the starting place, largely a deconstruction of Zappa's musique concrete and synclavier pieces. 'Jazz Noise & Randomonium' is one of my personal favorites, second only to its bastard offspring, 'Son Of JN&R' (P/O, No.#4). 'Orchestral Maneuvers' takes apart some of the darker corners of Zappa's massive body of work, dissecting his rather outré classical compositions.
I'm so confident in the quality of what I've assembled in this series that I can give you 100% assurance that with the 'Frank Zappa Project/Objects, Vols.1-12,' you'll hear and experience Zappa's music in an entirely different way than you've come to know. Begin here:
Frank Zappa Project/Object, No.#1
The one that started it all
Find the particulars here
1.) The Original Duke Of Prunes
2.) "A Heck Of A Little Teenage Opera"
[Uncle Meat: Main Title Theme/The Birth Of Captain Beefheart]
3.) Power Trio Segment From 'Saints & Sinners'
4.) Bossa Nova Pervertamento
5.) Put A Motor In Yourself
6.) Toads Of The Short Forest
7.) Amnerkia
8.) A Pound For A Brown On A Bus
9.) The Dick Kunc Story
10.) The Chrome Plated Megaphone Of Destiny
11.) Get A Little Pig With Wings
[Get A Little (Intro)/A Pig With Wings]
12.) The World's Greatest Sinner Meets The Mother People
[World's Greatest Sinner/Mother People]
13.) Navanax
14.) Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You?
[The Living Garbage Truck/A Typical Sound Check/"This Is Neat!"]
15.) The Big Squeeze
16.) Basement Music #1
17.) Weasels Ripped My Flesh
18.) The Lumpy Ingredients Suite
Part One: How Did That Get In Here?
[How Did That Get In Here?, Pt. 1: Lumpy Gravy Outtake Featuring 'Oh No']
19.) Part Two: Linda Ronstadt & FZ Shill For The Remington Electric Razor
20.) Part Three: A Bit Of Nostalgia For The Old Folks
21.) Part Four: How Did That Almost Chinese Bored Out 90 Over Get In Here?
[HDTGIH?, Pt.2: Lumpy Gravy Outtake/Bored Out 90 Over/Almost Chinese]
22.) Part Five: The Girl In The Magnesium Dress
23.) Part Six: Why Is That Still In Here?
[HDTGIH?, Pt.3: Lumpy Gravy Outtake]
24.) Part Seven: Gravy Drippings [The Lumpy Variety]
[LG: Switching Girls/Another Pickup/I Don't Know If I Can Go Through This Again (Excerpts)]
25.) Randomonium
26.) Opus 1, No. #3, 2nd Movement, Presto
27.) Night School
28.) A Dwarf Nebula With Dog Breath, In The Year Of The Plague
[Dwarf Nebula Processional March & Dwarf Nebula (Pt.2)
Dog Breath, In The Year Of The Plague (Pt. 2)]
29.) Lonely Little Girl [Single Version (Extended Remix)]
[Lonely Little Girl (LP & 45)/Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance]
30.) Nasal Retentive Calliope Music
31.) Golden Arches
[The Legend Of The Golden Arches (Pt.2)]
The source material for 'Iron Oxide & Digital Dust' comes from the following:
Lumpy Gravy (1967)/We're Only In It For The Money (1968)
Uncle Meat (1969)/Weasels Ripped My Flesh (1970)/The Perfect Stranger (1984)
Francesco Zappa (1984)/Jazz From Hell (1986)/'Tis The Season To Be Jelly (1991)
Playground Psychotics (1992)/Civilization, Phaze III (1994)
The Lost Episodes (1996)/Mystery Disc (1998)/Lumpy Money (2009)
Frank Zappa Project/Object, No.#2

Get the gory details here
1.) The Grand Wazoo, Pt. 1
2.) Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
3.) The Grand Wazoo, Pt. 2
4.) Flambé
("I'm in hock up to my God damn eyeballs!")
5.) The Grand Wazoo, Pt. 3
("What ever happened to all the fun in the world?")
("You're OD'ing on Preparation H at this very moment")
7.) Oh No
8.) The Orange County Lumber Truck
9.) The Grand Wazoo, Pt. 4
10.) Twenty Small Cigars
("Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Frank Zappa")
11.) Igor's Boogie, Phase One
12.) Would You Like A Snack?
13.) Overture To A Holiday In Berlin
(With Burnt Weeny Finger Sandwiches)
13.) Igor's Boogie, Phase Two
14.) Holiday In Berlin, Full Blown
15.) Aybe Sea
16.) Waka Jawaka
17.) Little Umbrellas
("This is what happens when you join a rock group, George")
18.) Inca Roads
("Oh, you don't think so, huh?")
19.) Blessed Relief
(Telephone Conversation With Vicki)
20.) Uncle Meat
21.) Revised Music For Guitar And Low Budget Orchestra
(Spot the differences)
22.) RDNZL (Slight Return)
Source material for 'Jazz Noise & Randomonium' comes from the following:
Hot Rats (1969)/Burnt Weeny Sandwich (1969)
Weasels Ripped My Flesh (1970)/Chunga's Revenge (1970)
200 Motels (1971)/Waka Jawaka (1972)/The Grand Wazoo (1972)
One Size Fits All (1975)/Studio Tan (1978)/Sleep Dirt (1979)
The Ark (1991)/The Lost Episodes (1996)
and incidentals mostly from
Playground Psychotics (1992) and Läther (1996)
Frank Zappa Project/Object, No.#3

Discover the strategy here
1.) Semi Fraudulent, Direct-From-Hollywood Overture
2.) Regyptian Strut
3.) Duke Of Orchestral Prunes
4.) Duck Duck Goose (Excerpt)
5.) Sad Jane, First Movement
6.) Touring Can Sure Make You Crazy
7.) Would You Like A Snack?
8.) Redneck Eats (Excerpt)
9.) Sad Jane, Second Movement
10.) Naval Aviation In Art
11.) Bogus Pomp, Pt.1
12.) Down In De Dew
13.) Bogus Pomp, Pt.2
14.) Run Home Slow Theme
15.) Run Home Cues, #2
16.) Mount St. Mary's Concert (Excerpt)
17.) Take You Clothes Off When You Dance
18.) The Perfect Stranger, Pt.1
19.) Centerville
20.) The Perfect Stranger, Pt.2
21.) Mysterioso
Source material for 'Orchestral Maneuvers' comes from the following:
200 Motels (1971)/Orchestral Favorites (1979)
The London Symphony Orchestra, Vol. 1 (1983)
Boulez Conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger (1984)
The London Symphony Orchestra, Vol. 2 (1987)
The Lost Episodes (1996)/Läther (1996)
and incidentals from various FZ recordings
Originally published on:
FranK Zappa solo grande
ResponderExcluirHey, Gustavo. Gracias por su visita. Aguarde otros volumes...
ExcluirThese are great! I am really enjoying them. Thank you so much.
ResponderExcluirHey Runen... Thanks. And there are more coming...
ExcluirThank your for posting these! I had grabbed some of them from "Birds With Broken Wings", but not all of them before the blog was shut down. So thank you again!
ResponderExcluirEste comentário foi removido por um administrador do blog.