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terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2018
Tássia Reis - Soul Pop with Samba (Brazil)
Tássia Reis could simply be defined by her artistic characteristics, as a composer and singer, and it would be enough to listen carefully to this second work of the artist born in Jacareí 27 years ago, which makes hip hop its weapon against and in favor of world. But it is much more than that - it is a creative powerhouse of convictions, in which her discourse as feminist as libertarian (in all sorts of ways, from intolerance to emotional oppression) dictates sublime songs, lulled by her sweet voice in open genres of rap to reggae.
Tássia was slow to understand herself as an artist. During adolescence he was part of urban dance groups in Jacareí. That was when he discovered Hip Hop Culture and channeled his creative vein into writing within the genres that it encompassed. She was so accustomed to listening to Clara Nunes because of her mother's influence as Jackson 5 because of her father's influence and the rapes of Sabotage, RZO, Active Expression and Rational MCs because of her brother. His pen ran slightly in texts that were already accompanied by melodies, with proposals of harmonies and arrangements.
Thus, after moving to São Paulo, at the age of 20, and finishing her degree course in Fashion, she accepted the praise she always received for her voice and put in a studio in the song "Meu Rapjazz". It was to be part of a mixtape only of women, that did not avenge. But the song served as a springboard for his career.
Launched on the Internet, acceptance was immediate, prompting the team that began to accompany her to produce a clip for the song. On the first day, when she reached 10,000 views, she was sure she was right. So much so that exactly one year later came out his first EP, christened with his own name.
Meanwhile, his participation in projects was growing. She was invited to sing with Marcelo D2, recorded with Izzy Gordon, made concerts with jazzrap band Mental Abstracto, went to the universe of female rhymes in the project "Rimas e Melodias", entered the discussion of genres that always proposed in "Salada of Fruit "and the political position led to new compositions, culminating in this" Other Sphere ".
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Sebos dos Anos 80
Antes da Internet, para ouvir e conhecer sons novos, somente na Galeria do Rock, Woodstock Discos, Baratos e Afins...
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