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segunda-feira, 14 de outubro de 2019
Revolver - Hard Rock (Germany)
Revolver is a German hard rock band from Franken, which was founded in 1980. The band included the African-American singer Mary B. Thompson, Dieter Roth, Jürgen Kühnlein (both guitar), Ludwig Fellinger (bass), Friedel Amon (keyboard) and Wilfried Schneiker (drums). The band landed at No. 1 on the heavy metal charts in 1981, along with Good Time People and Not Too Late, and was particularly notable for their custom-built, revolver-shaped guitars. They played at the World Popular Song Festival in 1981 in the Budokan Hall of Tokyo. In the debut album First Shot (1982) sat Scorpions producer Dieter Dierks on the controls, Don Dokken sang the backing vocals. Revolvers toured Japan and accompanied Ozzy Osbourne on his European tour in 1982, then singer Thompson left the band. Under the name Raindancer appeared in 1984 another album (Little Bit Confused), guitarist Dieter Roth then brought out some solo albums.
Revolvers came together again in 1994 for a few performances, with Uwe Gaasch as vocalist and Evert Fraterman on drums. The band is still active today with Matze Bäuerlein on drums and Igl Schönwitz on bass, reinforced by Klaus Wangorsch / Sebastian Strempel (trumpet and flugelhorn), Gerhard Caesar (saxophone and flute) and Udo Schwendler (trombone, saxophone, flute) and gives Concerts in Germany. There are several Rock bands called Revolver. This is the German Hard Rock band that was fronted by the African-American female singer Mary B. Thompson. Apart from the music, their debut album is also interesting for a few peripheral reasons. First of all, it was produced by the famous German Metal producer Dieter Dierks. Secondly, it has Don Dokken doing some backing vocals on it. Revolver was a competent melodic Hard Rock band, but the most interesting thing about them was Thompson's strong voice. It lifts the songs above the average, even the filler material. But four tracks are way above average, two of them even being downright excellent.
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Sebos dos Anos 80
Antes da Internet, para ouvir e conhecer sons novos, somente na Galeria do Rock, Woodstock Discos, Baratos e Afins...
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